About Greg Marsh
Olde Guy, Adventurer (Been There, Done That), boat rocking reprobate, disabled army VET, hated by D.o.E., CDPHE, and 'fat cats' everywhere; Exposure Scientist - www.vidocq.pro . Marksman (e pluribus unim) - the reason I survived the American War of Murder, Aggression, Genocide, and total Corruption on the poor of Indo-China. Read the facts about it in: Chomsky, Noam, "Manufacturing Consent", (NY: Pantheon, 1988, 2002, & 2005 E-book). About 450 pages, including 125 pages of references, including some you've already read! The 2002 ed includes the effects of the InterNet. Truely non-fiction on steroids! Pay very close attention to the 9th Inf. Div., look up 'mcnamara's Morons' on YouTube for a better understanding of what the pentagon has been doing for a long time. ...And the army thought we could defend our country and our lives by training us with 88 rounds of ammo? Manning, Assauge, Snowden, and Ellsberg are all heroes, with very serious balls, and 200% correct. Motto: 'Don't Ever Sell Out'!
Do you trust the government/big corps?